GHC 9.12 & Cabal 3.14 releases

Hécate January 06, 2025 [Cabal, GHC] #Release

To conclude the year 2024, the GHC and Cabal teams are happy to announce the releases of GHC 9.12 and cabal 3.14.

Here are some highlights:

GHC 9.12

Language Extensions

This release brings many new and exciting extensions:

data Sweet = Cupcake | Liquorice | Cookie | Raisins

-- Without Or-Patterns
tasty Cupcake = True
tasty Cookie = True
tasty _ = False

-- With Or-Patterns
tasty (Cupcake; Cookie) = True
tasty (Liquorice; Raisins) = False
default IsString (Text, String)

Which means that in a module with OverloadedStrings, string literals "like this" will default to Text instead of triggering an error about a polymorphic type.

Base Library

⚠️ Deprecations

Code Generation

⚠️ Deprecations

You can read the full release notes here.

Cabal 3.14

New things




You can see the full changelogs for Cabal & Cabal-syntax, and for cabal-install and cabal-install-solver

As always, the Cabal team is always welcoming of new contributors. We have a nice back catalogue of bugs, oddities and feature requests. Stop by our matrix channel!